(This reading is limited to 11 cards. The full deck contains 52 cards.)
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Click the image below to get your card :


During shamanic experiences with visionary plants such as the San Pedro cactus, it is not uncommon to see faces on the rock walls and feel their spirits – giving us an idea of how the Incas may have perceived them in this way.
If this card comes to you, it is inviting you to reconnect with the spirit of the earth. If you are fortunate enough to live close to nature, it would be beneficial to connect with all the spirits that surround you, be they plant, mineral or otherwise. This will give you an anchor and a real sense of community. Even if you live in the city, take an interest in the place where you live: its history, its cultural influences, the people who make up its community... You may be in for some interesting surprises. Most of all, it will make you feel more at home, in your place, with a greater sense of belonging.
Your message: "Mother Earth is always speaking to us. Reconnect with Her and the place where you live. Communicate with their energy and let them tell you their story. You will feel a deep sense of belonging and you will finally feel at home."